Erica the Evangelist
Okay, there’s something important you all need to know about me. If you’ve talked to me for any length of time, you’ll notice I’m very evangelistic about certain things. Let’s clear the air right now. If you talk to me currently, there are 4 things I’m evangelistic about. (This list changes every few months.) Here are the current items on the list:
1) Treo 600/650
2) Tivo
3) DirectAdmin control panel
4) IBI
If you know me, you’ll know that I love these 4 things, and depending on how well you know me, you will slowly be convinced to try at least 2 of the 4. After all, how many of you have Treos now because of me? Tivos? (That’s at least 15 people all told.)
My evangelism about certain things bugs some of you, and I know that, but take this to heart: 1) I’m only going to recommend something if I think you would be interested in it; and 2) I obsessively compare everything, and nothing gets put on my evangelism list unless it’s so radically awesome that I simply could not imagine living without it. So listen up! ๐