A successful entrepreneur shares her thoughts on business success and failure.

Q. How do you fit a bike in a Miata without a bike rack?

A. Like this! (click here)

I have said before that I can fit just about any item into a Miata. I fit a BBQ grill (I mean a big Weber one!) in it and I fit a 7’x1’x1′ curio cabinet into it. This time, though, I had a real challenge. I IM’ed my friend Zack and asked him if he wanted to do something in SF tonight, since he lives in the Mission district. He said sure, but the problem was that he was at work in Redwood City, which he takes Caltrain and a bike to. I told him we’d figure out how to fit the bike in the car, but I didn’t let him know I had a Miata. (hehe!)

Anyway, after about 15 minutes of work, we got it to fit, and we tied it down pretty securely. It stayed that way during the coooolllllld ride to SF. (Actually, it wasn’t that bad, as we were both bundled pretty warmly, and Miatas have good heaters.) We went to dinner at Tommy’s Joynt, which has to be one of my favorite places in SF to eat (fabulous food and cheap, too.) Then we wandered across the street to the AMC 1000 Van Ness, where I decided he really needed to see the SpongeBob SquarePants movie. (YAY! for SpongeBob!) The movie was hilarious; we saw the late showing so there were no kids, and David Hasselhoff made a rather…unusual…cameo. (See the movie; it’s great.)

Tomorrow is kung fu! I will update once it’s over with my first impressions.

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Photo of Erica Douglass

I'm Erica Douglass.
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