A successful entrepreneur shares her thoughts on business success and failure.

Quest to find a huge hamburger!

I haven’t had a good hamburger in a while, and I’m looking for something more meaty than In-N-Out (which is more for when I’m craving cheese, I must admit.) I am off to a local diner place to see if their burgers will be any good.

I’m eating dinner early since tonight is IBI. I’ve already had two phone calls and an email from people asking if I will be there. (Oh, the pressure! ๐Ÿ˜‰ ) IBI starts at 6:30. The last one I went to I ended up staying until 10:15PM, so I’m eating dinner early this time.

Saw a post on WHT today about big burgers, and someone mentioned a Big Mac. I promised myself never to eat McD’s again after watching Super Size Me, but the Big Mac is soooo good. I am 100% convinced that there are addictive substances in it. Listen to this story:

I was at a McDonald’s a few years back and won a coupon for a free Big Mac. Now get this: I had never had a Big Mac in my life. I figured I’d go back and use the free coupon, because hey, I didn’t have much money and it was free. I ate it and it was okay. But later that week, I had cravings for the damn thing. I’m not talking about “hey, this is good; maybe I’ll have another.” I’m talking about full-on, PMS-style, cravings. I ate 3 more Big Macs that week. I so rarely have strong cravings for food like that, so I seriously do think they put something addictive in them. The cravings seem to subside after about 48-72 hours, which seriously makes me wonder. I wonder if McD’s will ever be sued for it and people will act like this is a big shocker — to put addictive substances in food. Hey, the tobacco industry has been doing it for years. Why not McD’s, and why not with their flagship product? (Please note that other McD’s food does not appear to have addictive substances. I’d place my bets on the special sauce.)

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Photo of Erica Douglass

I'm Erica Douglass.
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