A successful entrepreneur shares her thoughts on business success and failure.

Blogging from a party (Yes, I am a geek!)

So I’m at this party. I have to say this is definitely one of the weirdest parties I’ve ever been to! Normally when I think of “party”, I think of a bunch of people drinking and hanging out. This party has alcohol and hanging out as well, but it’s a geek-themed party, which means everyone has a laptop and we’re all hanging out coding. I opened up an IRC channel for everyone, and I am IRC chatting with a bunch of people in the same room as I am. (Nothing to show you’re a true geek like IRC’ing to people in the same room!)

The party is at David Weekly’s house, formerly known as SuperHappyFunHouse. David is the creator of IMSmarter, which is an Instant Messaging proxy that adds some interesting features to IM. It’s hosted at Simpli, which is how I know him.

My friend Jan also agreed to come to the party, and she’s having fun showing off her magic tricks and conversing with the 20+ geeky guys here. Since I have come down with an inopportune cold thanks to David’s roommate (I was over here a few days ago for Movie Night), I am hanging out by myself and blogging. The Sudafed I had earlier is mixing with some wine I had more recently and causing some funky effects… in that I should probably stay sitting down instead of trying to stand up.

I was hoping for some interesting geek projects to show up, but so far I’ve met a lot of people programming something in Python and a lot of people surfing the web. I even saw two guys playing virtual pool on an LCD… and someone else was watching!

Normally my blogs have a “moral of the story” or share some insight, but I think I’ll leave this one just the way it is. I’m at a geek party. If nothing else, it’s better than blogging at home. ๐Ÿ˜‰

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Photo of Erica Douglass

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