A successful entrepreneur shares her thoughts on business success and failure.

My "profile"

I was talking online with a friend when he mentioned he had a date with a girl he’d met on Match.com. Being the curious type, I signed up for a free account and read his profile. It is funny, because you think you know someone, and then you read their online profile, and you think “Who is this again?!”

I promised him I’d do my own online profile, except I am not going to pay money to put it on Match.com, so you, dear blog readers, get to read it. And in case I feel the need to pay to find dates in the future, I’ll probably put it up there on Match.com. 😉

Let’s see. Ah, yes. The first section on Match.com is “About Me and Who I’d Like To Date.” Hmm…

I can say with confidence that I’m unlike any other person you will ever meet. I’m an ambitious entrepreneur who isn’t afraid to risk everything in a new business venture. My risk has been met with good rewards so far, as I am the owner of a successful web hosting company. However, being a successful business owner also has its drawbacks, as I spend too much time on my computer and I work strange hours. Expect to see me work 14-18 hour days sometimes and want to take several days off and just go driving other times.

I would like to meet someone who can draw me out of my shell. I know that I work too much and I need someone who will bring some fun social activities into my life. I’d like to learn how to dance, for instance. I love driving around winding roads and getting sunburned, I love overnight trips to the coast, and I love spending time on the beach. I’ve even been known to hit a few golf balls in my time! I enjoy being outdoors, but I don’t get an opportunity to go out there often, so if you can get me out of the house and doing something fun, you will work well with me.

I enjoy surprises immensely (especially of the “Pack your bags; we’re headed out for the weekend!” kind) and I really appreciate guys who give me small tokens of affection (as I will with you… my close friends get free food whenever they’re around me; it’s a gift of appreciation from me.)

Expect to constantly be bombarded with ideas when you’re around me — if you can take my crazy, spontaneous ideas and help me craft them into workable business ventures, or say why you think they’re not workable, this helps me immensely! I have a lot of energy and enthusiasm for whatever my idea du jour is. I need someone who can keep up with me and even help temper me (with a smile) as I bounce from idea to idea to idea. Above all, I am looking for someone who shares the same passion for life that I do, and truly enjoys living and all of its nuances. It would also help if you can cook… I am a terrible cook!

That was actually more fun than I thought. There you have it… enjoy, and feel free to analyze! 😉

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Photo of Erica Douglass

I'm Erica Douglass.
After selling my online business at age 26 for over $1 million, I created this blog to help you grow your own business quickly.

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