A successful entrepreneur shares her thoughts on business success and failure.

Well, that sucks.

My first Treo 650 is officially dead after just less than 3 months as an active and much-loved member of my family.

I’m still not quite sure why it died. One minute it was Hotsyncing, and then the next minute it had disconnected from the computer. As I went to push the Hotsync button again, I noticed it was rebooting. And rebooting. And rebooting. And rebooting…

Unfortunately, it doesn’t even get far enough into the boot process to perform a hard reset (yes, I said hard reset, as in the “performing convoluted button presses while holding down the Reset button, which is very inconveniently located as far away from the keyboard as possible.”) So it’s officially kaput, and will be replaced for free at a Sprint store tomorrow (unless they have some previously-unknown miracle tool to fix it, which I highly doubt.)

Ah, well. Treo 650, it was fun while I knew ye. Bring on the new 650!

By the way, for those of you who have a 650, don’t forget your free 128MB SD card. I ordered mine today.

It’s also worth noting that even with this minor setback, I still think the Treo 650 is by far the best phone on the market for people like me (that is, people who like to play silly games, talk on wireless headsets, check email, and instant message from a cell phone.) In fact, the reason that I Hotsynced tonight was because I was getting ready to install $65 worth of games onto my Treo, including Bejeweled, Shape Shifter, and Text Twist. I don’t buy too many video games in general, but I’ll sure as heck pay $65 to have something fun to do on planes and while standing in line. ๐Ÿ™‚

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Photo of Erica Douglass

I'm Erica Douglass.
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