I’ve lived in California for my entire adult life, beginning way back when I was a naive 18-year-old living in the dorms of San Jose State University. (Talk about culture shock…coming from a small farm town in Indiana to the inner city of downtown San Jose!)
In 2009, after living in the Bay Area for nearly 10 years, I decided I wanted a change of pace. San Diego called my name, and I’ve been here since. But now I’m ready to move on…and I’m sad to say the reason why. (more…)
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After you read this post, you may think I’m incredibly stupid.
Either that, or you will think I’m a genius.
Perhaps both.
There’s a valuable piece of online real estate that you’re probably not using to its fullest potential. And even though you may have heard this advice before, I bet you’re still not implementing it.
I didn’t implement this tiny tweak for months, even though I knew about it. (That’s the stupid part.) But once I did, I gained $804/month in passive income.
Here’s my big “Duh” moment, and how you can easily put my stupidity/genius into action and gain some income as well, even if your site doesn’t get a lot of traffic. (By the way, I’m not selling anything here. But this tweak–I’m not going to lie–could make you more income than a lot of products you buy for $497 do.) (more…)
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Rosalind Gardner’s Super Affiliate
Handbook review. Is the Super Affiliate
Handbook a scam? One of the most common questions you ask is, “How should I get started making money online?”
Implied in the question is a story that happens far too often: A person new to the world of making money online gets sucked into any number of scams out there, from blatant take-your-money-and-run scams to buying info products that promise zillions of dollars and just don’t work. That’s why, from when I first started erica.biz, I made a commitment to only promote products that are actually worth it on this site.
And there are surprisingly few of them. (more…)
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