Do entrepreneurs need to attend college? As a successful entrepreneur, I often get asked if it would be beneficial for a teenager who shows a strong interest in starting a business to attend college. I have asked this question often of other successful entrepreneurs, as well, and the answer tends to go like this: “College can open up doors for young people, and it provides great networking opportunities.” In other words, a vague, unsubstantiated “yes”.
My answer is totally different: I don’t think college is beneficial for teenagers who already have a good idea of what they want to do with their lives, especially if they want to start a business.
Here’s my story…and some tips on whether college will be right for you: (more…)
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They’re laughing at you. Let’s face it. When you start a business, you’re probably going to fail.
I mean, you’re practically doomed from the start. 90% of all businesses don’t make it five years. Even if you have successfully run a business before, you’re probably rusty at that whole “starting” thing.
You probably won’t make it.
Your customers are going to ask for refunds. They’re going to take their lack of success out on you. They’re going to tell you you didn’t perform (regardless of whether you did or not.) (more…)
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This technique works any time, but it works best when you’re angry, upset, demoralized, or depressed. Try it now for kicks, then bookmark it–and try it again the next time you’re feeling bad. You will be amazed at how much it helps.
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My journey through Silicon Valley has come to an end. Now, I relive it for you, including full details of some harrowing experiences I haven’t yet shared publicly, and explain what’s next.
The Beginning
In August, 1999, a few months after I graduated from high school and having just turned 18, I packed my car full of everything I owned and drove to the promised land — California.
I was young and naive. I moved from a small farm town in Indiana to smack in the middle of a huge, 1-million-person-plus city (San Jose) and chose to live in the dorms at San Jose State, where, needless to say, I stuck out like a sore thumb. (more…)
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Since I sold my business in September 2007, I have been on a journey to define who I am. A significant portion of this journey has been trying things that work for other people and seeing if those things work for me. Think of it like trying on new outfits. Some are so crazy that you take them off right away and never look at them again (like washing my own car was for me.) Some of them work so well that you can’t imagine how you lived without them (that was setting up my own budget.)
The problem with trying on new attitudes and new ways of doing things is that you invariably run into those you feel should work, but they don’t for you. And, being human, instead of simply saying “This doesn’t work for me” and doing something else, you think “But everyone else is successful with this!” and continue, for months, to beat your head against the wall and try something that clearly doesn’t work. (more…)
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