I’ve received lots of emails and Twitters with your questions, comments, and thoughts about this blog, and I sincerely appreciate them all. I know that there are thousands of you subscribed and reading, so I wanted to give each of you the opportunity to tell me what you want. (more…)
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It’s my blogiversary! I launched erica.biz on December 4, 2007.
In December 2008, I re-launched with a new blog theme–the same one you see now. In both these cases, I spent many hours testing and tweaking themes.
Thank God those days are over! I’ve recently (more…)
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If you haven’t taken a look at erica.biz recently (especially if you’re reading this in an email or in your RSS reader!), come take a look now! I have a new design!
A Quick Tour of the New Theme
There are a few new items on erica.biz that I wanted to point out: (more…)
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Recently, I Twittered about my blog’s unique monthly visitors count rising from 2942 visitors in December, 2007 to over 10,000 in February. (My final unique visitors number for February was 10,352.) Several people replied and asked how I accomplished the feat of more than tripling my blog’s visitors in just two short months. This post contains every detail of how I tripled my blog’s traffic in two months, and how you can do the same. (more…)
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Whew! After 30+ hours of hard CSS, HTML, PHP, and template work, I was finally able to pull erica.biz together and get it looking exactly the way I wanted. Good thing I’m “retired” (for a few months) now and have a lot of free time…
What do I mean, retired? Oh, yeah. I sold Simpli Hosting. 😀 I had run Simpli for over 6 years, and web hosting, though fun, wasn’t what I wanted to continue doing. On September 7, the acquisition closed, and by mid-October, I was frrrreeeee!
So what do I do with my time, and what’s next? (more…)
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