A successful entrepreneur shares her thoughts on business success and failure.

What Money Can't Fix

What money can't fix When I was younger, I believed that money would make all of my problems go away. House dirty? Hire someone to clean it. Hungry? Go get whatever kind of food you want. Car broken? Go get it repaired, or buy a new one that has fewer issues. And on and on.

I’ve had three years now where I haven’t really had to worry about money, and it’s really eye-opening what problems it makes go away…and what problems remain, or get worse. (more…)

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How I Gained An Additional $804 Every Month in Passive Income–with Just 30 Minutes of Work

Passive income After you read this post, you may think I’m incredibly stupid.

Either that, or you will think I’m a genius.

Perhaps both.

There’s a valuable piece of online real estate that you’re probably not using to its fullest potential. And even though you may have heard this advice before, I bet you’re still not implementing it.

I didn’t implement this tiny tweak for months, even though I knew about it. (That’s the stupid part.) But once I did, I gained $804/month in passive income.

Here’s my big “Duh” moment, and how you can easily put my stupidity/genius into action and gain some income as well, even if your site doesn’t get a lot of traffic. (By the way, I’m not selling anything here. But this tweak–I’m not going to lie–could make you more income than a lot of products you buy for $497 do.) (more…)

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This Blog's For You: The Reason I Write Erica.Biz

Happy 3rd birthday
Happy third birthday, erica.biz!
It seems like yesterday that I decided to change my little personal blog into a powerhouse business blog with a real community behind it. When I launched erica.biz on December 4, 2007, I wasn’t sure where it would go. A lot of people held the opinion that the blogosphere was “saturated.” What I learned was that a new perspective–if it’s fresh and interesting–is always welcomed.

The first heartfelt blog post I wrote after I launched erica.biz was called “Hitting the jackpot doesn’t mean instantly becoming happy.” In it, I emphasized an issue I see with all too many people: Thinking that once you win the lottery, sell your business, or meet some other huge goal that everything will be okay.

The reality is that it doesn’t change much. You’re still you. And if you’ve made a goal–and then met it–that involves having a lot more free time, your life can become difficult. Suddenly, all those things you’ve been ignoring, like your health or broken relationships, come sharply into focus. (more…)

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How to Make Money on the Internet

How to make money on the Internet
The truth about how to make money on the
Internet–minus the hype and BS.
I can’t stand this any more. I’ve had enough. Something needs to be said:

Too many of us have completely forgotten how to work for a living.

I can’t count how many emails I’ve received that say something along the following lines: “Erica, I need to know how to make money on the Internet. But I need make at least $100,000 in my first year or it won’t be worth it for me. Can you suggest something that would help me do that?”

You–yes, you, the person who writes that–do you know what you’re called in the Internet marketing world by all the “gurus”? (more…)

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Only72 Review and Bonus (Proof That I've Gone Completely Insane)

Only72 review Thanskgiving is finally over, and I’m a little sleep-deprived. But I stayed up late because this is important, and I think it may really help you…

I know how hard it is to find someone you trust to show you how to make your first dollar (or first hundred dollars) online. It seems like every person out there selling products on how to make money online is a scammer, or doesn’t actually do what they teach. (more…)

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Photo of Erica Douglass

I'm Erica Douglass.
After selling my online business at age 26 for over $1 million, I created this blog to help you grow your own business quickly.

If you are motivated to change the world and want to learn from my successes (and failures!), please get my free business tips and join over 112,000 other monthly readers!

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