oDesk review from a real user. Does oDesk work? I wrote about how to outsource around-the-house tasks earlier, but many of you (including, most recently, Christine) wanted more detail on how to outsource jobs that can be done online.
I’ve definitely had success outsourcing jobs online. In this blog post, I’ll show you which tasks I recommend you outsource, how much you can expect to pay, and where to find good workers. When you’ve read this post, you can immediately take action and start taking some work off your own shoulders. (more…)
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Last month, I made $4,795.76 as a direct result of blogging here at erica.biz. Today, I break it down, so you can see where every penny I made came from, which promotions were most successful, and what you can do right away to boost your blog’s income.
At the end of every month, I tally up all my various income sources. I noticed a hugely interesting pattern when I looked at the difference between January, February, and March: (more…)
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On my blog, I publicly set three goals that I wanted to accomplish in 2010. (If you’re new here, welcome! I set 3-5 major goals every year publicly on my blog and update my progress every quarter.)
It’s the end of the first quarter (okay, a little bit past it…where did the time go?!) and I’m ready to share with you what’s happened in the past three months. (more…)
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I’ve been noticing a trend lately: We buy or download all this great video content, but then we don’t actually watch it. Does this happen to you, too?
Most information products these days come with at least an hour of video training. And often, it’s fantastic–well worth the time investment. But, realistically, we’ll probably never sit down and actually watch it.
I’ve found a way to fix this–a technique so effective that I’ve now made my way through most video information products I’ve purchased in record time while still absorbing all the information. And, I want to share this with you–because if you can absorb video content faster, you can learn faster, and therefore spend more time on your business instead of watching videos! (more…)
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What if you didn’t need more money to live the life you want? What if you could live on less, spend less time on your business, and still be happy?
This is the founding principle behind “lifestyle design”–a term that has become popular since Tim Ferriss released his book Four Hour Work Week. The idea behind a “lifestyle business” is to grow a business that sustains your daily lifestyle while allowing you the time freedom you need to pursue what interests you.
Here’s what my optimal “lifestyle design plan” looks like: (more…)
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