A successful entrepreneur shares her thoughts on business success and failure.

How To Survey Your Customers for Free Using Google Docs

how to survey free online survey tool. Read this post, and in just 10 minutes, you’ll have created your own survey for your customers or readers! Better yet, you will save hundreds of dollars, as you will likely never pay for an online survey tool again…

It used to be, if you wanted to survey your customers or readers, you would have to pony up some hard-earned dollars for a paid online survey tool. In fact, many of these tools carry a monthly fee, and some don’t easily let you export your data–holding you (and your survey results!) hostage. That is no longer the case. (more…)

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"Crowdsourcing" Your Logo Design: Should You Do It? (99designs Review)

Crowdsourcing your logo design (99designs review)When it comes to getting a logo designed, you have a lot of choices. Should you hire someone you know personally? Someone another company recommended? Or should you try a site where you can offer a logo “contest” and pay the winner for a logo?

I’ve used several different options to get logos throughout the years:

  1. I’ve designed a logo myself.
  2. I’ve hired a designer I knew personally.
  3. I’ve hired a logo design company.
  4. And, most recently, I’ve outsourced logo creation through both 99designs and Design Outpost.

In this post, I will run through each of the above four options in detail, and suggest the best course of action for getting you a great logo design at a low price–based on my own experience. (more…)

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Drive More Traffic to Your Blog or Website With Guest Post Secrets

Drive more traffic to your blog
If you have a website, or a blog, and you want more traffic to it, please read this post carefully.

I bought erica.biz and moved my blog over to it in December 2007. At the time, I had negligible traffic and only 70 subscribers–mostly my real-life friends.

By December 2009, two short years later, I was getting over 15,000 visitors a month from Google alone–and over 30,000 unique visitors a month total.

Now, I’m going to show you exactly how to do the same thing–get a massive wave of traffic and visitors to your blog or website–for far less than you would pay for pay-per-click advertising! (more…)

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Fear of Failure? Here's How to Get Through It…

Fear of failure
This is a guest article by Flexo from Consumerism Commentary. Flexo is currently on a ten-day, ten-venue tour.

The harder you try to succeed, the more failures you will accumulate. Here’s my story:

Flexo’s Failure

I enjoy performing in stage plays, and a play was the scene of one of my failures. I’ve always been the last actor to memorize my lines in the script, being “on book” usually through the final rehearsals before the first performance. My lack of preparedness finally caught up to me while in mid-performance my recurring dream came true: I forgot my lines. (more…)

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Photo of Erica Douglass

I'm Erica Douglass.
After selling my online business at age 26 for over $1 million, I created this blog to help you grow your own business quickly.

If you are motivated to change the world and want to learn from my successes (and failures!), please get my free business tips and join over 112,000 other monthly readers!

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