Don’t enjoy cleaning your house, cooking,
or mowing your lawn? How to outsource
boring jobs in five easy steps.
If you haven’t outsourced something like cooking or cleaning yet, and you’re still doing boring drudge work in your everyday life, read on. In one week or less, you will free up 10+ hours of your time every week to do what you love! (more…)
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It’s time to recap my 2009 goals and set some really big ones for 2010. Read on to find out how I did on my 2009 goals, and then for a big announcement that you will see me unveil in 2010! (more…)
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Do you believe it takes a lot of money to create an information product? How, exactly, does one go about creating an information product? Let’s take a look at the actual development process for an information product. (more…)
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It’s my blogiversary! I launched erica.biz on December 4, 2007.
In December 2008, I re-launched with a new blog theme–the same one you see now. In both these cases, I spent many hours testing and tweaking themes.
Thank God those days are over! I’ve recently (more…)
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Could you possibly be a social media douchebag?
Read these 10 signs and see for yourself…I wrote this list because, unfortunately, I’ve seen every single one of these episodes of ultimate douchebaggery.
The straw that broke the camel’s back was today, when I received a Twitter DM advertising some sort of Christmas shopping junk. I went to the guy’s profile page to unfollow him, and there, right on his bio, it said “I am a social media marketing expert.” I Tweeted publicly (without including his name): “If you DM spam me, you are NOT a ‘social media marketing expert’. You’re just an asshole.”
That led to the creation of this list…the worst of what I’ve experienced in nearly 3 years of Twitter and Facebook: (more…)
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