A successful entrepreneur shares her thoughts on business success and failure.

Creating A New Product

Creating a new product.
Creating a new product by interviewing others
and selling it online.
Back in July, I wrote 20 Scam-Free Ways to Make Money Online, which has since become my most popular post. It is an honest look at various ways that you can make money online, from quick ways to make a few extra bucks to entire businesses that can be started from your home.

Instead of posting affiliate links and hoping to gain a few dollars, I instead asked you for your feedback. And feedback poured in — from the 48 comments on the post, to email after email and Tweet after Tweet.

I wanted to know which of the 20 ways you wanted to hear more about. You told me.

Now, you get to find out why I asked! (more…)

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Diagnosis: Celiac Disease

Celiac disease.
My journey toward my diagnosis with Celiac disease.
It may have started as early as age 16. I can remember eating lunch and feeling tired afterward. I took a 2-hour break for lunch in high school so I could go back to my room and rest (I lived at a residential school for the last 2 years of high school.) I also got sick a lot. I often complained of exhaustion, and my moods were all over the place.

The doctors I went to told me to get more sleep.

Things got worse as I got older. By the time I was 25, I was sleeping for a few hours every day after lunch, and not feeling any better after I woke up. Doctors told me to “take it easy” and “work less” (I worked 60-hour weeks or more, typically.)

I began to develop a hatred of the medical community. (more…)

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They're All Going To Laugh At You

They're all going to laugh at you.
They’re laughing at you.
Let’s face it. When you start a business, you’re probably going to fail.

I mean, you’re practically doomed from the start. 90% of all businesses don’t make it five years. Even if you have successfully run a business before, you’re probably rusty at that whole “starting” thing.

You probably won’t make it.

Your customers are going to ask for refunds. They’re going to take their lack of success out on you. They’re going to tell you you didn’t perform (regardless of whether you did or not.) (more…)

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Internet Fax Review: How to Save Hundreds of Dollars on Your Fax Service

Internet fax review
Internet fax review (VIDEO) — how can you
save hundreds of dollars on your fax service?
You’re probably in one of three places when it comes to faxing:

  1. You’re stuck using an old-school fax machine to communicate with others via fax. If you’re in this category, watching the video below and taking action will save you hundreds of dollars per year. Definitely watch it!
  2. You’re using an online fax service (or Vonage). Watching the video below will help you use your online fax service more effectively and may save you money at the same time–especially if you’re paying more than $10/month. Also, Vonage is terrible for faxes; I have a better solution. Watch the video.
  3. You never fax anything or receive faxes and never plan to. Unless you’re just curious, skip this video–I’ll have a different blog post later this week that you won’t want to miss!


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Photo of Erica Douglass

I'm Erica Douglass.
After selling my online business at age 26 for over $1 million, I created this blog to help you grow your own business quickly.

If you are motivated to change the world and want to learn from my successes (and failures!), please get my free business tips and join over 112,000 other monthly readers!

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