Should you offer your next product for free? So, you have spent time developing a product (or you are currently in the process of creating one.) One of the major questions you will have is: How do you price your product? Should you price it low, go for the high end…or should you offer it for free?
There are good arguments on both sides of the debate about whether to offer your next product for free; here, I will walk you through them. By the time you finish reading this post, you should easily be able to decide whether your next product should be a free one. (more…)
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This technique works any time, but it works best when you’re angry, upset, demoralized, or depressed. Try it now for kicks, then bookmark it–and try it again the next time you’re feeling bad. You will be amazed at how much it helps.
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It’s finally here! I started this project months ago, and am excited to announce its completion. That’s right–I’ve written my first ebook, and it is yours absolutely free!
Download my Blog Success Manifesto instantly.
If you currently write a blog, or want to start your own blog, this may be one of the most important free guides you will ever read…
Welcome to the biggest project I’ve yet undertaken on my blog! My Blog Success Manifesto is a 62-page, over-10,000-word guide to help you get more blog subscribers in record time…and it’s yours absolutely free, to thank you for being a subscriber. (more…)
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How to find people on Twitter.This month, I am experimenting with video. I thought it would be fun to do videos on various topics related to your business — from saving money, to being more productive, to using common tools.
This video is about using Twellow, the “Twitter yellow pages”, to find people who share your interests on Twitter. I use Twellow to find the thought leaders in a niche. You can drill down very specifically; for instance, finding only personal finance bloggers.
If you have a specific target market, Twellow is incredibly useful for finding people in that niche, as well.
I had never heard of Twellow, despite being on Twitter for nearly three years, and that’s why I decided to shoot this video. I have no personal relationship with Twellow. (more…)
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2009 is over half gone already! Wow, time flies! I feel I have gotten into a pretty good groove, and I am definitely happy about how my goals are progressing.
On January 4, I published my goals for 2009. Now that we’re over halfway through 2009, let’s take a look at each of them and how I am doing: (more…)
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