A successful entrepreneur shares her thoughts on business success and failure.

Effect of Recession: Four Ways This Recession Will Change Our World

Effect of recession
This recession — our generation’s Great Depression — will profoundly transform the way we live, think, and work.

I’d like to encapsulate four of the effects of this recession I think we’ll see over our lifetimes. Whether you agree or disagree, please write your own blog post (and link back to this one) or comment here with your own thoughts on how our world will change. (more…)

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Trouble Finding a Job? You May Have to Change Your Perspective…

trouble finding job
Trouble finding a job?
Consider changing your perspective.
I hired a personal assistant earlier this year after running the numbers and realizing that I was spending a lot of time doing housework — time that I could be using to grow my business. She spent approximately 8 hours a week doing everything from filing papers to working on Quickbooks to doing our laundry.

Unfortunately, my assistant had major family issues in August, and quit to deal with them. Last month, with tasks that I didn’t want to do stacking up, I decided to hire a new assistant.

With all that I read in the media about people being out of work, I thought it might be easier than earlier this year to find someone who wanted to work a few hours a week from my house.

I was wrong — and what I discovered from a hiring manager’s perspective will help you, if you’re currently looking for a job, or even if you’d like to do some consulting to make some extra money on the side.

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Liver Flush (Liver Cleanse, Gallbladder Flush): My Experience and Review

liver flush, liver cleanse, gallbladder flush
Does the “amazing liver flush”
really work? My detailed review.
Many of you have been following me on Twitter and requested a full blog post about the effects my liver flush (also known as a liver cleanse or gallbladder flush) had.


For years, I have been suffering from myriad stomach problems — namely gas, bloating, and cramps after eating. After keeping a food journal, I discovered that garlic, onions, red meat, and milk were bothering me the most. Sure, I could use Pepto-Bismol or Lactaid pills, which cured the symptoms, but the only foolproof way to avoid painful cramps was simply to avoid these foods.

Red meat and milk weren’t too bad to cut out, but the garlic and onion problem really bothered me. I enjoy both foods, and garlic in particular is used to flavor a lot of food. If I ordered an entree with garlic, I’d simply pop a couple Pepto pills and suffer, since I liked it so much.

Then, while I was browsing Steve Pavlina’s forum, a few people mentioned that they had done liver flushes. I had never heard of a liver flush, but it immediately jumped out at me as something I needed to learn more about. (more…)

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Photo of Erica Douglass

I'm Erica Douglass.
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