A successful entrepreneur shares her thoughts on business success and failure.

It's Time To Completely Change Your Marketing Strategy!

Your customers are speaking
a different language than they were
a few months ago…
We, as business owners and marketers, have failed to realize that the game has completely changed.

Our customers are speaking a different language than they were even 3 months ago. The sales tactics that worked a few months ago won’t work now without major tweaking. Furthermore, I don’t see any business that has really picked up on our customers’ new language. (more…)

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Can Improving Your Diet Improve Your Business?

In which I eat “rabbit food” for a month
in my quest to feel better.
Most of us who are business owners — and even those who are happy hard workers — seem to have a disconnect between our personal lives and our business. We work late into the night, eating fast food or microwaving something “quick”. In many cases, we don’t have time to cook healthier food or even go to a restaurant and sit down to eat.

We also skip routine health checkups and don’t go get health problems looked at unless they are acute (a.k.a. affecting our work!) Our bad diet and stress are huge risk factors, but since many health conditions take years to show up, we rationalize and assure ourselves that we’re “fine.” (more…)

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Good Gifts To Give: Five Guidelines To Giving Gifts Your Family and Friends Will Love

Like you, I get many holiday gifts every year I don’t use — from clothes that don’t fit to food I don’t eat to soaps and bath accessories I don’t need. These products fill our landfills and clutter our closets. Worse yet, they are often quickly forgotten and don’t make an impact on our lives.

Here, then, are five strategies you can use to give meaningful gifts your recipients will love — and actually use! (more…)

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Photo of Erica Douglass

I'm Erica Douglass.
After selling my online business at age 26 for over $1 million, I created this blog to help you grow your own business quickly.

If you are motivated to change the world and want to learn from my successes (and failures!), please get my free business tips and join over 112,000 other monthly readers!

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