A successful entrepreneur shares her thoughts on business success and failure.

When Should You Buy Real Estate — And When Is It Better to Rent?

Combing through the questions you — my fabulous readers — ask me, I find one common thread. I write a lot of posts on real estate, but you want fewer esoteric graphs and articles and more common-sense advice. Fair enough. By the time you’re done reading this, you’ll have an excellent idea of exactly when higher-priced houses will fall in price, and you’ll have an armload of data to assist you in determining when a house is priced correctly — no matter where it is or what its price. (more…)

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Changing Your Perspective About Work: The 2-Hour Work Day

I had a revelation today: I don’t really like working.

I suspect you’re grinning by now. If not, you should be. I bet you’re thinking: “This is a revelation? Seriously?”

Well, yes. No matter how much we love what we do, we have those days where we really don’t want to be there. It’s a beautiful day outside, and we’re sitting here in front of the computer. What are we doing? Why are we letting our lives waste away at work? (more…)

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(written by me 6/6/2002 – shared for the first time here on erica.biz)

Do you know that moment when you are programming something that really pushes the limits of the language you’re working in, and you just sit there and wonder, “Is this going to work?” And you draw out 50 possibilities and narrow it down to the one that uses the least amount of code, and suddenly everything just seems to click? You look up and it’s 30 minutes later and all of a sudden you dare to test it and it WORKS.

And it hits you that this minute, this instant, this moment when it all fits together, is why you are a programmer. (more…)

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Is Financial Freedom Your Goal? Bring It One Step Closer…

What do you really want out of life? I’m willing to bet that your goals include a form of “spend more quality time with my family” and “Have more days when I am truly happy.”

We all have goals, dreams, and hopes, but all too often they’re quashed as we join the rat race to make more money, to then spend that money, which means we have to make more money, to spend more money…an infinite treadmill that, judging by many of the statistics I’ve read recently, some of us are never able to get off of. (more…)

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Photo of Erica Douglass

I'm Erica Douglass.
After selling my online business at age 26 for over $1 million, I created this blog to help you grow your own business quickly.

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