A successful entrepreneur shares her thoughts on business success and failure.

2007 Year In Review

2007 was definitely one of the best years I’ve had. I’m a huge believer in setting goals, and in August 2006 I made the goal to sell my business by the end of 2007. Not only that, but I spent a lot of time visualizing what I wanted to happen after I sold the business — to the business, its employees, its customers, and, of course, me.

I wanted to sell to a business that would keep my employees, especially Sohrab, who deserves huge credit for sticking it out with Simpli even when times were rough. I also wanted to sell to a business who dealt with similar customers — that wasn’t sidetracked with shared hosting, and that wasn’t focused on only very high-end customers. This is actually quite a tough niche to find a buyer in, because most businesses in Simpli’s area are cash-poor.

I started talking with Silicon Valley Web Hosting in March 2007. Initially, I was just interested in getting more colo space at Market Post Tower for lower rates than MPT was charging for new cages. But within a couple months, I realized SVWH and its owner, Bruce, were an ideal fit for Simpli. (more…)

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Welcome to erica.biz!

Whew! After 30+ hours of hard CSS, HTML, PHP, and template work, I was finally able to pull erica.biz together and get it looking exactly the way I wanted. Good thing I’m “retired” (for a few months) now and have a lot of free time…

What do I mean, retired? Oh, yeah. I sold Simpli Hosting. ๐Ÿ˜€ I had run Simpli for over 6 years, and web hosting, though fun, wasn’t what I wanted to continue doing. On September 7, the acquisition closed, and by mid-October, I was frrrreeeee!

So what do I do with my time, and what’s next? (more…)

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The end of the SlashChick era, and the beginning of something even better.

Last month, as I realized the final quarter of 2007 was approaching, I immersed myself in thinking about what I want to do with myself over the next year. 2007 marked the end of several things for me, and notably, the end of one thing I haven’t said much about yet: my SlashChick online persona.

I realized last month that I want to get into blogging a lot more heavily in 2008, and “SlashChick” just didn’t fit me any more. It marked my time on Slashdot, and I don’t spend time on Slashdot any more. It also had connotations of “slash” fiction (male-on-male sex scenes derived from popular movies), which I wasn’t aware of when I created the persona, and to which I don’t have any desire to be attached. I needed a new online persona — one that I was comfortable promoting, one that I didn’t have to explain, and one that most people could type easily if I said on the phone (people had tons of trouble with “slashchick”.) I put a lot of thought into this, since I felt the domain I picked would stick with me for a long time, and I didn’t want to buy a domain and regret the decision later.

I settled, finally, on erica.biz. (more…)

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The 3 Cornerstones of Successful Forex/Stock/Options Traders

A while back, I wrote about Forex trading on this blog. That was over 2 years ago, now that I look back on it! A few things happened in the interim, namely that I got really swamped with my business and didn’t have a lot of time to trade. Also, the Forex company I was working with went under and then re-established itself, while one of the top traders there started his own business. Stuck, and not having much time to research what was the best option for me, I let it go.

I took an intro class and talked to several Forex traders, including at least 2 people I know personally who have made over $1M in Forex trading. So, as a client asked me on the phone a while back, “Erica, I read your blog and I just wanted to know…is Forex trading a good way to make money?” My answer is YES…but with some major caveats. (more…)

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My experience and review: Laser Hair Removal in San Jose, California

Since it’s been several months since I first started laser hair removal here in San Jose, California, I figured now would be a good time to update.

I’ve had 7 treatments on my legs and stomach, and I added in underarms and my bikini area a couple months ago for good measure. I’ve so far spent about $1500 for my legs and stomach, plus another few hundred dollars for the first few treatments of my bikini and underarms.

First, I want to answer the question everyone has been asking me: Is laser hair removal worth doing? (more…)

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Welcome to erica.biz!

Photo of Erica Douglass

I'm Erica Douglass.
After selling my online business at age 26 for over $1 million, I created this blog to help you grow your own business quickly.

If you are motivated to change the world and want to learn from my successes (and failures!), please get my free business tips and join over 112,000 other monthly readers!

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