A successful entrepreneur shares her thoughts on business success and failure.

Setting goals to avoid feeling set adrift

I’ve taken quite a hiatus from Simpli recently, going from working 8-10 hours a day to working 1 or 2. I did this for several reasons, but mainly because my identity was wrapped up in my business. I was having a difficult time discerning what I wanted in life because my life was my business. After 6 years of running Simpli, and 4+ years of running it full-time, I decided I needed a break to figure out who I really was.

That break has been everything I hoped for, but at the same time has presented a host of new challenges that I wasn’t expecting. (more…)

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True visionaries think backwards.

I’m writing this blog entry for everyone out there who has ever felt mopey or sad or disillusioned about the future. In particular, there are those of us who struggle with weighty questions such as “Will the world ever really understand me?” or “Will I ever stop feeling like my unique talents are not being shown to the world?” If you’ve ever felt that way, this blog is for you.

It’s hard to pull yourself out of those thoughts sometimes, and it’s even harder to do what I’m about to recommend to get out of this sort of funk. (more…)

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Sharing my journey to one million dollars (Part 1)

There is a reason why I am compelled to write. As I follow along the path of creating my own business, gaining customers (and sometimes losing them), listening and understanding other entrepreneurs, I feel the almost uncontrollable urge to write it all down and create some sort of … story, per se. Something that people will resonate with. Something that makes you get up out of that chair and have courage to do what it is that you truly want in this life.. not just a “job”, but to really enjoy every moment of your being. I feel absolutely compelled to write it all down and share my knowledge so that you, too, can do this.

Someday (I assure you) this will all go in a book. But for now, you can read it first, here… my story of becoming a millionaire at age 26, and how I’ve almost lost it all, and how it almost never got started. (more…)

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Apache redirect non-www to www while keeping http and https intact

I have no idea why this is so hard to find on the Internet, but it took me over an hour to piece together this solution.

Scenario: A client has a site where the SSL certificate has been purchased for www.[hisdomain].com, so https://hisdomain.com/ shows a certificate error. Also, for SEO purposes, he wants requests for http://[hisdomain].com to redirect to http://www.[hisdomain].com — if you don’t implement this in Apache, Google indexes [hisdomain].com and www.[hisdomain].com separately, with different PageRanks, so you don’t get the full benefit of those linking to your site.

Oddly, there are lots of tutorials on how to turn HTTP requests into HTTPS, and lots of tutorials on how to translate stuff from non-www to www, but no tutorials that combine the two. (more…)

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Photo of Erica Douglass

I'm Erica Douglass.
After selling my online business at age 26 for over $1 million, I created this blog to help you grow your own business quickly.

If you are motivated to change the world and want to learn from my successes (and failures!), please get my free business tips and join over 112,000 other monthly readers!

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