A successful entrepreneur shares her thoughts on business success and failure.

Dear God…

Dear God,

I moved to California for a reason. What is with the under-60-degree temperatures here in San Jose today? Is it too much to ask, that since 45-year-old, 3BR, 1400-square-foot houses right down the street from me routinely sell for nearly $600,000, that we could at least have 72-degree balmy weather year-round? You heard me; it’s not enough to have it 9 months out of the year. I don’t pay ridiculously high prices for everything only to be stuck with 54-degree weather in November, December, and January!

Please fix this outrage immediately. Otherwise, we’ll have to leave it to the elected hippies to enact a law against cold temperatures, and we all know that the legislature here is shockingly ineffectual.

A Concerned California Citizen

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Del Taco 0wnz j00!

It must be said. Del Taco is 15 minutes away by car (Hamilton Ave. and San Tomas Expwy, if you’re in the area), but I consistently go there way more than El Pollo Loco or any of those other places. They are open 24 hours every day except Sunday, when they close at midnight, and it’s only $2.14 for two chicken soft tacos that rock my world.

I love you, Del Taco!

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Ow. Ow. Ow.

Brandon finally got me the bandwidth graphs for one customer I knew was pushing more than their contract stated they could. They were paying $379/mo. for 8U and 800GB (which is about 3Mbit.)

Brandon sent me their graphs today. They are pushing 22Mbit. At our current prices with AboveNet, we’re losing almost $1000/month on this one customer alone.


I quoted them $1589/mo. for the bandwidth they are pushing now, which is a far cry from what they were paying before. They’re going to be pretty pissed when they read that email. I just hope we don’t lose them as a customer. sigh.

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Well, I wrote a poem tonight for the first time in several years. It’s a habit I should get back into. I used to think I wasn’t any good at it, but then tonight I opened up several of my old poems again and found a depth of personality and character I didn’t realize I had when I was younger.

I decided to go ahead and place these on my site for all the world to see. The link is over there on the sidebar if you’re interested. If you don’t have time to read them all, the ones most worth reading are my most recent one, written tonight, Train, written in 1998, and poem16, written in April 1999. There are tons more in there as well if you have some free time.

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Photo of Erica Douglass

I'm Erica Douglass.
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